Monday, September 12, 2011

In case anyone still reads my blog...

Binges suck.

The good thing is I know what I did wrong.

I went too long without food. I now know that if I go too long without eating i get them heartburn pains.
So for tomorrow:
Greek yogurt.......170
small apple.......95
green tea.........32
granola bar.........150
egg roll .....190
4 pieces of gum...20
total 757
I don't have to go too long with food and hopefully I avoid a binge.

I cried this binge because I felt so hopeless and so useless.
Today I heard some guys at the campus cafe talking about their "dream girl".
so the guy looked a bit older a senior or junior. he was still really hot. he starts saying that he likes a littler girl.
I don't know if he meant you, thin, or short. Then he said he wanted the girl to be smaller than him. That's not me... I'm going to be lonely and fat forever...

love you guys i hope you reach your goals.

haha oh black swimsuits
ps. how is it that theres 2 comments and blogger only marks one view count?


  1. ahhh swim suit bodies
    i hate it when boys talk about their dream girls
    makes me wonder if i'll ever be her

  2. dream girls are only an illusion. they can't survive in the real world.

    so don't worry about that. :)

  3. i hate heartburn i have gerd on 40 mg of nexium fo rit doesnt help much though
