Thursday, February 18, 2010

last post ever

Okay well, bye I feel like you guys are overreacting but fine. hey there's other blogs in the sea like this chick's blog what now?.
she's new and i feel bad cuz when kat left i was barely starting to readblogs so you guys should check her out and I will miss y'all. And I'll miss blanch cuz she made up my nick name. so this is goodbye.


  1. I meant it when I said it wouldn't be the same without you..
    And it won't.
    Since you're leaving, I wish you the best. Stay strong and wonderful and beautiful, dear.
    Love, Charlie

  2. good luck in your new endeavors!

  3. ill miss u hannie. you know its true. and you'll miss me :P drop by wont u. we love you. really. like you, specifically. losing a friend?

  4. you can always come bak if u want anyway rite? so yeah.. dont wrry if u one day outta the blue want to like say a random hi or something.... yes
