Thursday, October 13, 2011

Never have I ever.....

..been normal
   My current obsession is being regular. Watching all the girls how they dress what they do and how they act and how they do their make up. So i do the same and become them. My room-mate Lee and bf josh spend every hour together. There's a boy in my apartment building who looks interesting. He's always swimming. Whether its hot or freezing he still goes out to the pool to swim. When I reach 125 ill try and get his attention. Until then I'm too fat. French class makes me hunrgy. Tu as faime? oui j'ai faime! Qu'est que tu veux? Je voudrais un steak-frites et un soda, s'ill tu plait. So today it was eat normal, binge, puke,  binge, and regret.

Here is the meal plan for 2morrow
protein shake- 190
apple - 90
jello- 10
cottage cheese and banana - 163
at least - 10 cups of water
 total= 458 cals
 still under 500
     lately i've developed this game where you take a random word you see and make something negative ou tof it for example-  I see butterfly I think of butter and how fat i am.

   I need to find punishment for my self.

Well bye...

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